Update on when we are leaving and the next couple of months.


We would like to tell you that we (finally :-)) know when we are leaving the Netherlands and what the plans are for the coming months.

3/13 – 5/5Aruba
5/5 – 5/18Conference in the Dominican Republic
5/18 – 8/18Barbados
 8/18 – 4 yearsAruba

Wednesday, the 13thof March at 13.35 we leave the Netherlands and fly to Aruba. We will be there for about 7 weeks in which we will get to know the island, establish some contacts and apply for a work-permit / visa.

On the 5thof May we will fly to the Dominican Republic for the YWAM Caribbean conference. This is an awesome opportunity for us to meet people and see if there are possibilities for working together. The conference is two weeks and immediately after we will fly to Barbados.

Our DTS outreach was also on Barbados, so we have been there before and we fell in love with the island. On Barbados we will work with the YWAM team for three months, actively participate in the activities they are organizing during that time and learn more about working on a YWAM base. We will also prepare more for going to Aruba long time while we are there. We cannot stay for more than 3 months, so we will leave on the 18thof august at the latest to fly to Aruba and hopefully stay there for at least four years.

We have some awesome stories that accompany this decision. One of those I would like to share with you. On Tuesday I (Hanneke) read something in my bible. It was Ruth 3:18 and it said: She (Naomi) replied, “Wait, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out, for the man will not rest but will settle the matter today.” (ESV) That same night we got a call from Bill Landis, the director of YWAM Barbados. Together we could conclude that the plan you just read about is indeed the plan that God has for us. Everything seemed to fit all at once, where at first there were a lot of obstacles. So indeed, the matter was settled that day! How awesome!

We are looking forward to starting our work in Aruba, but we are also aware that we will need a lot of prayer. That is why we want to start a whatsapp group with people who want to fight with us as prayer warriors. It will be a group in which only we can post, so no spam… J

If you want to work with us like this, please send us an email at info@justtoletyouknow.worldwith your name and phone number and we will add you to the group. 

And of course we will keep posting updates on our website!

Blessing to you all in your own mission fields!

Erik, Hanneke, Ryan, Kai