Overview 2019
English update 12/24/2019
Erik interviewed at Radio Victoria
Update 11-7-19
Help the de Kievit family get out of camping mode
The link is: www.lijstje.nl/familiedekievit
English update 9/25/19
We’re in Aruba!
Praise the Lord we are in Aruba!!! Thank you so much for all your prayers! After an exhausting but beautiful trip of 35 hours we have arrived in our new home. We’ve had a journey of 20 months with 18 transitions. In this journey we did the possible to follow Jesus and God did so many times the impossible. We are so grateful for His guidance and grace! Now the settling down can begin.
At the same time we are fully aware that the above also was preparation for what is yet to come. The work is just starting. God has a plan for Aruba. And He asks us to start working with families. We are so thankful that we are allowed to partner with Him to see His plan for Aruba fulfilled. In the upcoming weeks we hope to settle down in our new home. In the meantime we will re-apply for Erik’s work permit and try to find our own car so that we can stop renting one. This will be a time of reflection, worship and prayer, and we hope also a time of getting some rest.
We want to thank God for:
- a safe journey
- feet on the ground in Aruba
- Him going before us all the time
- a home in Aruba
Please pray with us for:
- a good time of settling down as a family
- God opening doors to get the work permit approved
- God opening doors to start the ministries
- God providing in the practical needs that we have, such as a car and finances
Again, thank you so much for partnering with us and praying for us!