006 – Puzzle pieces

After the church service we were chatting over coffee for a while. I brought my cup back to the kitchen one of the women drew my attention; “Can you help us? My sister still has some shopping to do, but her car is broken.” I asked her how they got into the church. “Pastor has picked us up”. At first, I notice a brief hesitation in myself, but something told me to help. “Why are you asking me?” I answered. I was amazed to hear that she has a hard time trusting men, that she normally wouldn’t ask, but that God had told her that she should ask me. And so, on Sunday morning I got the special opportunity to help heal her betrayed confidence a little bit. I am honored that she asked me. And the pastor who already does so much, got a moment of rest as a gift. What an unexpected blessing for all of us. God puts beautiful puzzle pieces in their place.