003 – Spud

Saturday, I brought some kids home with our YWAM van. They had been going to the teen club and I took them back home to San Nicolas. San Nicolas isn’t exactly safe at night, but hey, the kids lived there, and I was eager to help the teen club leaders. So, I went, with a full van on the way, crisscrossing San Nicolas. One street even smaller than the next and even though the teenagers regularly mixed up left and right, we got them all safely to their destination.

When they were all taken home, I stopped the bus to see where exactly I was. But when I looked up, I saw a grinning teenager with a spud lifted walking towards us, coming out from one of the gardens. Behind him came two more grown-up boys who were clearly on the warpath together. I just hit my gas pedal and spinned away. Fortunately, we were back on familiar ground at the end of the street. Thank you, Lord. I learned my lesson. Next time don’t stop in an unfamiliar street.