My friend Angelo and I regularly meet for coffee together. It is a mutual pleasure that we sometimes dread, but always look forward to. The dreading has nothing to do with Angelo, or with me. But drinking coffee in a coffee shop or at a smoothie bar along the side of the road always results in extra work.
Every time we meet, guided by the Holy Spirit, we also meet special people. Sometimes this is just for a chat or to get acquainted, but much more often it concerns broken people who have serious problems. Then suddenly we are sitting at a picnic table praying with a complete stranger, asking Jesus to perform another miracle and make His difference in someone’s life.
Such a meeting has an impact, not only for the people we meet, but certainly also for Angelo and for me. How is it possible that it has been happening more than twenty times now, and produces special scenes every time? We really don’t have to do anything, just meet up and have coffee together. After all these times we can only draw one conclusion. When we go for coffee, it is not just the two of us. We drink coffee with Jesus.